Our technology translates and analyzes for you the reviews, posts or articles mentioning your business. The data is compiled to highlight your customers’ main topics of conversation and their frequency. Understand at a glance what your customers like and dislike and why.
Our algorithm analyzes the sentiment of your customers’ topics of conversation to identify your key strengths and weaknesses. Understand what is being said and the sentiment around your brand. Find in one click and per topic of conversation the reviews mentioning you positively or negatively. Have the right information to improve customer experience.
Get detailed insights to measure and improve your online reputation. See at a glance the most discussed topics of conversation and your key strengths and weaknesses. Know the positive and negative trends. Measure the progress made over time
Monitor what is being said about your competitors. Know their key strengths and weaknesses against yours. Analyze your positioning on our competitive matrix based on criteria specific to your industry.
Our AI engine translates, extracts and groups in categories and subcategories the data collected in your alers according to criteria specific to your industry. Our models learn and improve as new data is collected and analyzed.
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